viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

What is the variation between horse racing, canine racing, deer hunting and ....Micheal Vick's situation?

Question by optimo: What is the distinction in between horse racing, canine racing, deer hunting and ....Micheal Vick's situation? Okay...I have anaylized Mike Vick's situation and other animal sporting occasions. Government sanctioned animal sports activities have been in location for many years and the animal rights folks have had been quiet right up until now. Very first horse racing. These animals are injected with steriods and overburdened to win races. There is cash bet on their final result. If they critically break a leg, then they are put to rest. Following is canine racing...Greyhounds...Huge money is wagered on their final result. These animals are bred for racing. They are injected with hazardous steriods. If they get rid of their aggressive edge or get injured, then they are thrown to a shitty kennel and are forgotten. Some are even put to rest. Lastly....Deer Hunting...This sport pisses me off. How can some Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia or West Virginia red neck go and blow defenseless bambi's brains out and get to hang the head on the wall? They seldom consume the animal. Exactly where are the animal rights activists for this? Best solution:
Solution by my_loyal_subjects
Every thing you listed was only a "race", Vick's situation was canine "fighting", thats a massive variation.